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[Nov 8th @ Washington, D.C.] From School to Success: Helping Young People Navigate Their Transition to Adulthood

Young people today are facing increased difficulty and stress as they transition into adulthood and navigate their futures.

Traditional paths are not always the best fit for everyone, and even if a young adult goes directly from high school to college, the transition can be difficult.

In fact, a recent nationwide survey revealed that 82% of college students experienced significant stress during their first year, and 75% wished they had more support in adjusting to college life.

Whether a neurodivergent or neurotypical young adult, creative, intentional support is needed to give each the greatest chance for success.

Creating thoughtful experiences that are right for you. One young adult at a time.

Join us for a breakfast panel discussion, where professionals from various fields will share insights on how to better understand these challenges and explore strategies and resources for helping young people make successful transitions. Discover how to guide them toward finding their "why" and forging their unique path to thriving in the future.

Please RSVP here to attend this unique event.


Friday, November 8th

  • 8:30 AM - welcome & coffee

  • 9 - 10 AM - moderated panel


2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 10th Floor Penthouse, Washington, DC 20006

Conveniently located by the George Washington University campus.

[In addition to GapWell, we will be joined on this panel by Dr. David Black, a leading pediatric neuropsychologist at the Center for Assessment And Treatment, and Carolyn Jeppsen, the co-founder, CEO and President of BroadFutures.]

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